Audio Furniture from Solid Tech
Solid Tech Audio Furniture from Sweden
features unique isolation systems that decouple the room resonance from your audio gear. This is a must for improved turntable isolation and associated 2 channel electronis. In addition to isolation specialty feet eliminate static with feet of concrete. They offer both verticle and horizontal options. All series offer different wood finishes and accessories. Click here to view their entire furniture lineup.
Audio Furniture from Gold Note
Audio Video Furniture from Crate & Barrel
Entertainment, Game Rooms and Technology
Your entertainment room, game room, and other key rooms like an in home office can become wonderful places with the addition of WiFi, Yamaha MusicCast, iTunes, and AppleTV. Networks and Apple products are one of our fields of expertise. Technology can make your living space versatile and future ready for relaxation or work. With our help you can get more out of these exciting and complex technologies making your time at home more productive and fun. Visit Home Theater Concierge for more information.
Arizona ROC: 277627 Residential-B-3